Blaming God versus Trusting God

When what we feared comes upon us, what we dreaded has happened to us. When we could find no peace,no quietness,no rest. When we feel like God above doesn't care about us anymore. Having lost all hope you might feel like there are no true friends to stand by you. whenever someone questions you how you are wish that you could tell them that,"if only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the scales! It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas."

Or you might be thinking by yourself that you have no more strength to still  have hope. Everytime you go to bed you might be questioning "how long will this continue!?" Though you try to find peace at least in your bed even there you are frightened by the dreams. You might feel like you have become a burden and that's why you face all this pain!

When our emotions are entangled in these feelings it is easy for us to blame God with wrong doing! We tell ourselves that God has forsaken us and that God is not being good to us and as a result we start questioning God asking him why He allowed this pain...why He didn't stop it from disappointing us! And the most heart breaking thing is when we don't find any answers from God. 
In this time of despair God wants to remind you that He is real no matter how you feel!
Sometimes God tests you by leading you through the times of darkness, times of loss, times of lonliness where you begin to feel that God is somewhere distant from you!

Floyd McClung says in his book "Finding Friendship with God" that, "You wake up one morning and all your spiritual feelings are gone. You pray but nothing happens. You rebuke the devil but nothing changes. You fast...still nothing. You begin to wonder how long this Spiritual gloom might last. Days? Weeks? Months? Will it never end? It feels as if all your prayers simply bounce off the ceiling.

God leads you through this path not to punish you...not to hurt you...but to help you to learn to trust him more. So when you feel like you are drowning without hope instead of blaming God learn to trust him more, with the hope that He will never leave you until He has done what He has promised to you!

Remember, drastic moments require drastic Faith! The book of Job ch1 verse22  says, "In all this Job did not sin by charging God by wrong-doing." We know the loss he suffered, he had to lose his possession, his servants, his children, his health, his joy, his fame...yet he did not blame God instead he made sure that he praised God amidst the loss.

No matter how dry you matter how your feelings are hurt...strengthen yourself in the Lord because He doesn't change, He is still the same Almighty God who loves you and wants to see you through!

Don't blame God for what you are facing
Instead trust God in what you are facing !


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