My Daddy !

At some point in our lives we come to a point where we feel like the only thing we held close to our heart is being taken away...without any prior notice, without any warnings some things that we adored just leaves us. When this happens we find ourselves to be broken, bruised emotionally. We feel like we have nothing more precious to lose anymore.  We feel like our happiness is gone. We feel like all the past memories are taunting us and so we tell ourselves that no one cares for us and we try to bear our own pain

But the truth is there is someone who knows how much it hurts you...It’s quite encouraging to have a heavenly father who has always been there by our side to wipe our tears, to bind our wounds, to hear our heart’s cry... In fact, He indeed feels the pain we feel; He understands every prayer behind your sighs...He has been faithful to hold your hand to lead you and to be with you.

When we as His children ask Him for something in our prayers, he not just gives what we have asked for...but He gives more than what we have asked and imagined.

If you are reading this please ponder on the questions given below...hopefully it will give you the hope to hold on.

è * The Heavenly father who feeds the birds of the air...will ever fail to feed you!?

T * The Heavenly Father who dresses up the flowers with beautiful colours ...would ever forget to dress you up!? 

è * The Heavenly Father who gives shelter even to the small creatures...would ever leave you when you feel lonely!?

è *The Heavenly Father who makes a way for the fishes in the sea...would ever leave you to keep wandering when you can’t find a way!?

è  *The Heavenly Father who purposed a plan for every living thing...would He have not purposed a reason behind all that you go through!?

è *The Heavenly Father who controls the water bodies...would fail to wipe the tear drops from your eyes!?

è *The Heavenly Father who holds the galaxies together...would ever fail to hold your hands!?

è *The Heavenly Father who Brings changes in seasons at the appointed time...would ever fail to do good to you at the appointed time!?

è *The Heavenly Father who brought you thus far...would ever leave you here!?

So it’s better to hold on to Him whenever you feel like you are at the end of the rope...He is faithful to carry you. He can restore the joy, the peace that you think you have lost, not because you deserve it but simply because He is your Father!


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