Impossibility specialist

Frustrated and disappointed with life we are forced to travel through these path of pain,loss,despair,break-ups and so much more... Where you feel that you are in a place you never expected or you might feel that you are too young to face such a problem! You realize how one small word "NO" from someone can turn your life upside down. After facing problems over problems you might have started to convince yourself that things are not gonna change, the sufferings, the pain is never gonna end and changing the heart of those who said no... and getting through this is totally impossible...

If you can relate with what you just read...then buckle up your faith coz you are not alone...if we look at the life of Job we could find that he lost his children, his wealth, his health in no time flat. In one moment he had everything but in the next moment he realizes he had lost it all. Job couldn't have gussed how he got here to such a place of loss and loneliness!

If we look in the between the lines of the book of Job we can get a clear view of the pain he went across! He says that all his brothers alienated him, his kinsmen have gone away...his friends forgot him, his guests count him as a stranger. His servants don't answer him anymore. He mourns that amidst all this pain he at least wanted to speak to God to get the reason behind his loss but the saddest thing is that he can't see God...and cannot perceive God...neither he could get any answers!
At one point of time he was isolated by everyone because they thought Job had no more hope...and that its impossible to change his situation. And so they left him. Even job would have felt so hopeless that his situations are becoming impossible and as days go by even more painful.
At this moment of utter despair Job remembered his creator and how good He has been. He told his wife, "shall we accept good from God and not trouble?" Job remembered that he could count on this good God to be Faithful. So he lamented, he screamed at the heavens , and he mourned in hope, "I know my Redeemer lives and that in my flesh I will see God"
And as a result of his faith and perseverance God intervened and blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first. The same place where he was out to shame he was lifted up.
 The same problems that he thought is destroying him was the problem that he overcome successfully.

There's an another example that I can tell you...that is "when the Israelites were leaving Egypt they came to a situation where they saw a sea before them and behind them they saw a giant army...if they moved forward they would be devoured by the sea...if they planned to retreat they would be defeated by the army. At that point when they thought that its impossible to escape that's when God stepped in to make a way out of no way and helped them!"

In our lives too when we face some situations that seems impossible to get through we can remember how our God is faithful to get us through it. He didn't bring you this far to leave you...No matter how hard the track matter how lonely you matter how impossible things get...remember that our God is an specialist is impossibilities!
When we are at the end of the rope...He becomes our hope!
When we give up...He gives in His strength!

I want to encourage you saying that our God is able to change anything in our lives...but it takes time and our trust on Him!
There's a difference between trusting God and trusting man...
Trusting man is like leaning on a spider web which cannot help us when we are falling.
But trusting God is like a man who is being pushed of a mountain but he isn't scared because he has a parachute to save him!
So its better to trust God with all the things you gave up, and with all the things you thought were possible anymore! 

To me IMPOSSIBLE doesn't mean
I'm Possible...
But it actually means


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