Waiting for a Life Partner !?
6 Things To Do While Waiting On Your God Given Spouse
Most Christian singles talk about how they are waiting on God to give them their future spouse pretty often. We all want love and we want God to give us the right person to marry. We want God to bless us and sometimes we get angry when He doesn’t. I’ll be the first to admit it. I have been mad at God before because I felt He was taking too long to give me my spouse. It’s funny because when we get mad at God, we probably look like silly toddlers throwing a tantrum to Him.
Being single is actually a good thing. Check out 1 Corinthians 7:8. Paul says, “To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am.” It gives us time to get closer to God which is the number one reason why we are on this earth. That and to help others get to know Him as well.
Only God can truly make us happy. Ever seen a miserable married couple? Yea, they are everywhere. Having a spouse is not the solution to your problems. Even married Christians struggle. We will struggle our entire lives no matter what our relationship status is. It is better to embrace it than try to fight it and be angry about it because once we do, our perspective changes. It’s either cast our cares on God or let them pile up onto our shoulders.
God also wants you to work on yourself. Ask yourself this. Am I really ready for a spouse? And be honest just because you are single, that doesn't means you really ready. Not to mean that there is anything wrong with us, but that we have other things we need to focus on first. We have to do what God asks or we will keep waiting and waiting until we are old and gray. Hopefully, you’re saved. That is step one. Look at Acts 2:38 if you are not sure.
These reasons listed will also help you in your overall walk with God which should be our number one priority. God is very clear about us to putting Him first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33.
We need to work on doing that before we get into a relationship with someone. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have someone who loves God more than anything? Your partner wants that from you too, you know? No matter who you are, I promise your relationship with God could use some work. Everyone on this planet can improve their relationship with God. This life is a journey.
I mean really does the alternative to waiting on God, and doing what He wants, sound better? Pick someone to date, be miserable, break up, repeat and then maybe get it right when you’re old. No, thank you. Here are some great things to do while you are waiting on God.
1.Read Your Bible more!
Reading your Bible seems hard to most. Maybe it seems irrelevant to you in today’s society? The Bible is God’s LIVING word. That means God is using it to talk to you through it. If you have ever read than reread the same verse at a later time you have probably noticed that you got something entirely different out of it each time. How can we understand God if we don’t learn about him from the source He gave us?
I wasted a lot of time thinking I didn’t need to read the Bible but finally one day I got it through my head. It helps you to feel closer to God and closer to God is what he wants for your relationship with Him. We can NEVER have enough God, so don’t get complacent. We are not perfect and we need to go to the only one who is for guidance.
2.Pray more!
A two-minute prayer before bed is not going to cut it. How would you like it if someone who you loved only talked to you two minutes a day? You would want more and so does God. And do you pray the right way? That might be the bigger question for a lot of people. You need to develop a prayer strategy and get serious about it.
3.Fast more!
Fasting shows up in the Bible many times and for good reason. It helps people get closer to God. Even Jesus fasted. Now if we are trying to strive to be more like Jesus, shouldn’t we be modeling his behavior? Nothing in your Bible is by accident.
4.Be happy alone!
If all you keep praying for is a spouse, how can you have time for anything else? And I will tell you from experience that thinking will drive you crazy! There is more to life than a partner! We all feel lonely sometimes, even people in relationships. You know what loneliness is? It’s God telling us to come to him. He doesn’t want you to feel lonely. He wants you to find comfort in his presence.
5.Learn more!
God will change you into the person you are meant to be. But you have to seek Him over everything else. None of us can change without Him. Believe me, I’ve tried to change all by myself and failed many times.
Now, try this. Write down everything you want in a spouse (I hope you have high standards or else this won’t work) now ask if you reflect what you want. That is a great start. Also, look at things like your self-regulation. Do you have to have the last word or do you blow up every time you are angry? Now, be honest. We all have problems that we need to work on. And that’s okay. With work, anyone can change.
Some people these days want to say you got to accept me as I am. And that’s why they are single or always with the wrong one. No good person wants anything less than an equally good person. You ever wonder why you keep getting with the wrong ones? That is a reflection of self, either your lifestyle or what you feel you deserve. God is waiting patiently to help you.
6.Truly make God the center of your life!
Everything I listed pretty much sums up to this. Put God first in your life. You have a lot to do, so when God sends you your soul mate you will be ready. And guess what? God is working on them too right now.
Make these things a habit and show God you love Him. He wants the best for you. Your spouse may not come for a while, but that’s okay. Don’t settle because you are lonely. And don’t just think because someone says they are a Christian that they are your soulmate. Talk to God about them and ask for Him to help you not to overlook something major.
A lot of people say they are Christians, but can they back it up? If they are out at the bar every weekend or have a lot of drama in their lives, they aren’t the one for you. And if you are out at the bar every weekend, ask yourself why? If you want God’s blessing on your life, you need to live a righteous life like He commands. Plus, all you are going to find there are the same kinds of partners that have continually failed to make you happy.
We may not always like to hear that we need to change, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to hear it. You will never be happy with anyone unless you are happy with yourself first. Only God can do that for you.
And this is how i found my spouse !
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