Handling Temptations !

Temptation is one of the commonest human experiences. We will face temptations every day. Even though it is very common, not a lot of believers are equipped to deal with temptation. In studying the anatomy of temptation, there are seven truths: 1.Temptation comes from the devil, even Jesus was tempted by devil. 2. Temptation thrives in isolation- temptation came to Jesus when He was alone 3. Temptation always starts with a question- when the serpent wanted to tempt Eve he put forth a question, he said Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?4. Temptation is a function of desire, 5. Temptation usually has a geographical connection, 6. Temptation does not become sin until you agree with it, 7. Temptation does not have to become sin- being tempted is not a sin falling into temptation is sin.
We think that it is God, who tempts us but the truth is No! Temptation originates from the devil. "But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desires (lust, passion)" - James 1:14[Amp] so the devil's triangle is a connection between the devil, his bait and your desires. Now out of this triangle comes what is known as the cycle of temptation. This triangle is sometimes referred to as the Devil's Triangle. However, there is a real Devil's Triangle in the scripture
There are four key stages in this cycle.
1. Enticement
2. Conception
3. Birth
4. Death
1. Enticement - James 1:14
"Drawn away" is the Greek word "Exelko" which means to draw out or lure something from its hiding place, "Desires" is the Greek word "Epithamia" which is a combination of two words- Epi" which means on top of or over and "thumus" which means passion or heat. It speaks of something that boils up and soon subsides, So, "epithamia" means to set your passion upon something, especially that which is forbidden - to have a craving or longing for the thing you are not allowed to have.
The devil in or of himself cannot make you fall into temptation. In order for the devil to be effective with his temptation, he needs to appeal to our own desires. If the temptation does not connect with something within you, it cannot be effective. We now understand from Gen 3:6   that Eve fell for the temptation because there was a desire within her. The devil cannot press your buttons unless you are tuned to his frequency. If you must triumph over temptation, you must learn how to conquer your own desires.
So we see Apostle James here, using fishing terms. A good fisherman knows that in order to catch a fish you need to use the right bait - something the fish likes to eat. (The devil never tempts you with something you don't like.) The fisherman knows that in order to catch the fish you must put the bait on a hook and carefully conceal the hook. The fisherman knows that in order to catch a fish, you must take the bait and hook to where the fishes are.
-It swims around the bait.
-It convinces himself there is no danger.
-It persuades itself taht it won't get caught. He believes that even if there is a hook, he can take the bait and avoid the hook. (This belief is usually reinforced by the fact that he has gotten away without being caught in the past.)
The fish usually forgets that a bait is never lowered for its advantage. It is not like the fisherman says, "oh poor fish, you must be hungry - here is some dinner for you"
The fish also forgets that behind every bait there is a hook
The fish tend to forget that an hand is holding the rod (Temptation never floats around on its own, there is a supernatural demonic force controlling it.)
The devil or one of his agents drops a bait - usually an image, a thought or a verbal suggestion. Because of the devil's influence this seemingly harmless bait takes on supernatural appeal. It takes on added beauty. It comes in the way just as what we wanted something to be. Devil knows our weaknesses it is his strength.
This is the stage of the cycle in which you must take aggressive action. It is also important to know what kind of action to take.
What most people do is say "I won't do that" or "No, I won't think about that". By telling this they actually empower the temptation. When the devil tempted Jesus, He did not say "I won't turn stones to bread". He simply said "it is written…” Your first response is to switch mental gear - focus on a scripture and speak it aloud. The enticement stage is the easiest stage to overcome temptation. If we don't cut it off at this stage, it progresses to the next stage.
2. Conception - James 1:15
"Conceived" here is the Greek word "Sullambano" which means to clasp, to lay hold of, to seize, to take possession of, to gain access. James changed his imagery here and used the picture of the reproductive process. When a thought or suggestion from the devil is not instantly and vehemently rejected, it takes root - usually in our minds. From that point on, it begins to grow, because we feed it by thinking about it all the time. And it is only a matter of time before a thought becomes an action.Like a camera, your mind always develops what it focuses on. When you dwell on a suggestion from the devil, you give life to it - you animate it. If this process is not arrested, it inevitably leads to sin. Notice that even though the act or sin has not yet been performed, the concept is growing. And the devil says to himself "any day from now, it’s going to happen - its only a matter of time".
Remember that even a conception can be aborted.
I John 3:8 How?
1. Break the routine.
2. Stop feeding the suggestion.
3. Do something physical to reverse the process.
Unplug your computer, cancel your cable, change your phone number, start taking another route to work, try to stay away from it - do whatever it takes. Talking to someone you trust can also be a major deliverance at this stage.
REMEMBER THAT A CONCEPTION DOES NOT HAVE TO BECOME A BIRTH. But if a conception is not aborted, it will grow and inevitably become sin

3.    Birth - James 1:15
Birth naturally follows conception. That which you think about, dwell on, fantasies about, you will carry out - sooner or later. The tantalizing bait will be tasted. When a woman goes into labour – there is no going back - she is going to have a baby. You cannot reverse the process of birth. Since you allowed the conception to grow, you will have to have the baby. This is what is called "the point of no return" Once your desires are aroused, all sense of right and wrong goes down the drain. Your consciences, your discretion, your dignity all are put on hold.
The same principle applies, whether it is envy, juicy gossip, a fit of rage, festering bitterness or greed. Everything you have ever learnt about the will of God becomes completely irrelevant. This is the moment you indulge in your "five minutes of madness". Five minutes – that’s all it is. Most times the pleasures of sins do not even last longer than that. This is why Paul called it the temporary pleasures of sin – the passing, fleeting, momentary, transient, short-lived pleasures of sin in (Heb11:25).
Five minutes of madness:
· Eve had hers when she ate the fruit. (Likewise Adam).
· Cain had his when he killed his brother Abel.
· Lot had his when he committed incest with his two daughters.
· Saul had his when he disobeyed God’s instructions
· David had his when he committed a sin with Bathsheba
· Samson had his when he put his head on Delilah’s lap
· Ananias and Sapphira had theirs when they lied to the man of God
Five minutes of madness, that is all it is and that is all it takes. For when conception gives birth to sin, it is not a time of rejoicing because ultimately the time filled with pain, sin will bring forth…
4. Death - James 1:15Again the imagery changes here and this time, James uses a language that everyone understands. The word death here means more than just the end of life. It means separation, it means sinking into the lower regions and being enveloped in the thickest darkness. The wages of sin is always – death. Make no mistake about it, whenever you sin, something dies. Love, trust, joy, sense of worth, peace of mind, intimacy, peace with God, a marriage, a career, a business, a ministry, a church, a destiny – something always dies.
The death produced by sin carries with it guilt, shame, fear, pain, regret, disappointment. All of a sudden, the burning desire fizzles out, compelling longing disputes and all that is left is a long, slow process of trying to pick up the pieces.
Sin will:
· takes you further than you want to go
· Keeps you longer than you want to stay
· costs you more than you can afford to pay.
But thank God, this cycle does not always have to be complete we can always break it. God has provided a way of escape. You have the name of Jesus to protect you. You have the Holy Spirit to guide you, you have the word of God to sustain you, and you have your spiritual family to support you.
Always look for the escape door.
Finally, whether the cycle was complete or not, remember - there will always be a next time Luke 4:13. If you fall now, you can stand the next time. If you stand now, do not take it for granted that God can forgive you again; prepare to stand again up stronger the next time.
How to handle it?
Bible says in psa 119:9 says how shall a young man cleanse his ways? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. No matter in whatever stage you are in, you always has the escape way in the word of god. Meditate on it and cleanse your ways. There is no sin that is too big for God to forgive. He is waiting with his arms open to give you a second chance.


  1. I was checking out Insta and found this blog. Nice work though sister! Temptation is so deceiving so everyone falls in that pit.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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