At the end of the day...none of us would remember the time spent in anger, revenge....rather we would cherish the good memories...good lessons...good people that we had during some experiences in our life time..!
6 Things To Do While Waiting On Your God Given Spouse Most Christian singles talk about how they are waiting on God to give them their future spouse pretty often. We all want love and we want God to give us the right person to marry. We want God to bless us and sometimes we get angry when He doesn’t. I’ll be the first to admit it. I have been mad at God before because I felt He was taking too long to give me my spouse. It’s funny because when we get mad at God, we probably look like silly toddlers throwing a tantrum to Him. Being single is actually a good thing. Check out 1 Corinthians 7:8. Paul says, “To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am.” It gives us time to get closer to God which is the number one reason why we are on this earth. That and to help others get to know Him as well. Only God can truly make us happy. Ever seen a miserable married couple? Yea, they are everywhere. Having a spouse is not the solution to your problems. ...
At some point in our lives we come to a point where we feel like the only thing we held close to our heart is being taken away...without any prior notice, without any warnings some things that we adored just leaves us. When this happens we find ourselves to be broken, bruised emotionally. We feel like we have nothing more precious to lose anymore. We feel like our happiness is gone. We feel like all the past memories are taunting us and so we tell ourselves that no one cares for us and we try to bear our own pain But the truth is there is someone who knows how much it hurts you...It’s quite encouraging to have a heavenly father who has always been there by our side to wipe our tears, to bind our wounds, to hear our heart’s cry... In fact, He indeed feels the pain we feel; He understands every prayer behind your sighs...He has been faithful to hold your hand to lead you and to be with you. When we as His children ask Him for something in our prayers, he not just gives what we h...
Many of us wish that we had an “Happily ever after” life like how Disney offers to all its characters. But tell me, did Cinderella live happily ever after without a struggle? Did sleeping beauty live happily ever after without a trauma? Did Rapanzuel live happily ever after without a grief? Did Jack and the bean stalk live happily ever after without risk? Did Thumbelina live happily ever after without a sacrifice? Are there any fairy tales without any dragons? Where in the world, then, did we ever get the notion that to live happily ever after means to live without trouble? For when we look at the fairy tales we find it’s not the absence of dragons-but the taming of dragons-that ushers in happily ever after! In life we get to face problems, we face disappointments, countless failures. We come to a point where the only certainty in life is uncertainty. Even after you’ve done all you can possibly do, and yet your future is beyond your control. In our fight against thos...
True fact