What Do You Want !?

When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?”

-John 1:37,38

“What do you want?” Jesus asks you.

It is such a simple  question,and yet you know that how you answer that question is going to shape the rest of your days.

“I saw you following me,”Jesus says. You turn to your friend as a slight blush washes across your face. Then you look back to Jesus. His compelling force is so great that you don’t concern yourself with being embarrassed.

Standing there,poised between your old life and the future, you feel alive like never before. Time seems to stand still. All the colours around you are vivid; the sounds are clear almost musical.

What do you say when Jesus asks what you want? Do you even know what you want ? As you stand there, enclosed on a holy place even in the midst of a crowd, you examine your heart.

Are you coming to Jesus out of curiosity? Do you have some need you think he might meet or intellectual question he might answer? Is there something in you that needs to be healed ? Is there some brokenness, a piercing or unrelenting pain, a failure from your past that you would like him to carry? Do you need forgiveness? Are you dying for love ? Is there something you have tried to fix that escapes your skill ?

Exactly what is it that you want from Jesus of Nazareth ? Tell him, in your prayer of the heart, exactly what you need! 

Cause He is a God who answers your prayers in a way that you couldn’t image or even think about! 


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