Agape ❣️

“Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus Loves me…” It became one of the world’s most popular Christian hymns. My question is “Why does Jesus love me?” I can understand why I love Him, but I cannot understand why He loves me. At times I am unlovable. I do not deserve His love. But my faults do not fade His love. My goodness does not make His love greater. My faith does not favor His love. My errors do not erase His love. I can forget Him, but He will never forsake me. Never! (Heb.13:5). When it seems no one cares, He cares (I Pet.5:7). At times I fail, but He forgives and forgets. He gives me daily benefits, yet I focus on myburdens. Why? His love is not human, but holy. His love is not selfish, but supernatural.His love is beyond understanding (Phil.4:7). His love never diminishes, dims or decreases.
Dear friend, the Lord Jesus also loves you. You may reject, refuse, or resent Him, but Hewill still receive you. His love is limitless to you regardless of your culture, creed or country.His love is unconditional. There is not one thing you can do to make Him love you more. There is not one thing you can do to make Him love you less. Why? Because God is love (I John 4:16). He does not become love, but God is love (I John 4:8). If He did not love you, then He would cease to be God. Why? God so loved you that He gave His Son to forgive your sins (John 3:16). God does not see your sin, but He sees His Son in your place. Does He approve of your sin? No! Do you need to repent? Yes! The Bible tells you how much Jesus loves you. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends” (John 15:13-14). Jesus died that you might live. Look to Him. Love Him. He is just a prayer away. Receive Him as your Saviour. Then you can also sing, “Yes! Jesus loves me.” As Christians, we love Him, because he first loved us (I John 4:19). Dear friend, Jesus also loves you, and He could not love you more than He does at this moment. How do I know? “The Bible tells me so!”


  1. Tq akka for those words... "My FAULTS do not FADE His love... My GOODNESS does not make His love GREATER... My FAITH does not FAVOR His love... My ERRORS do not ERASE his love... I can FORGET Him, but He will never FORSAKE me"
    This really built my faith in Jesus...
    Pls do write more like this...
    I believe that many people will be encouraged in their spirit and will grow more strong in their faith...

  2. Thts true love in you and through you

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