Conquerors of our PAST !!!

Human beings are manipulated by memories. Some bring a smile when we think of it and some bring tears...the memories that bring tears were the incidents which kept up us awake the whole night and those memories are something which we wanted to forget. We keep struggling with it and somehow try to forget it but, every time we come across a particular r word, a particular name, a particular dress, a particular area or a particular person all those memories flush back into our mind. No matter how hard we try to forget those memories it keeps coming back making us to feel the ache in that particular scar again and again. We all feel if only we had a chance to fix it we would gladly do so; but the fact is the past can never be changed.
                                              Some people allow their past to control their future. They continually punish themselves by sabotaging their own success. Remember, we are the products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's purpose and His love for us is not limited by our past. That is why it is said in Romans 8:37 "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." God loves us so much where he wants us to be the conquerors of our past. And that is why He is ready at the throne of grace to forgive our sins which are as red as a scarlet to make us as white as snow. 

Bible says in Psalms32:1 (LB) what happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven!...what relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their records." To experience the true happiness that is free from guilt all we have to do is to admit our mistakes, confess it and take all the broken pieces to God so that He can fix us back perfectly.
 If God can turn a murderer named Moses to a great leader, He can do amazing things with the rest of your life. God specialises  in giving people a new start so that we could be more than conquerors of our past through Him who loved us. 


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