At some point in our lives we come to a point where we feel like the only thing we held close to our heart is being taken away...without any prior notice, without any warnings some things that we adored just leaves us. When this happens we find ourselves to be broken, bruised emotionally. We feel like we have nothing more precious to lose anymore. We feel like our happiness is gone. We feel like all the past memories are taunting us and so we tell ourselves that no one cares for us and we try to bear our own pain But the truth is there is someone who knows how much it hurts you...It’s quite encouraging to have a heavenly father who has always been there by our side to wipe our tears, to bind our wounds, to hear our heart’s cry... In fact, He indeed feels the pain we feel; He understands every prayer behind your sighs...He has been faithful to hold your hand to lead you and to be with you. When we as His children ask Him for something in our prayers, he not just gives what we h...
A turkey and an eagle react differently to the threat of a storm. A turkey reacts by running under the barn, hoping the storm won't come near. On the other hand, an eagle leaves the security of its nest and spreads its wings to ride the air currents of the approaching storm, knowing they will carry it higher in the sky than it could soar on its own. Based on your reaction to the storms of life, which are you? A turkey or an eagle? It's natural for me to be a turkey in my emotions, but I have chosen to be an eagle in my spirit. And as I have spread my wings of faith to embrace the "Wind," placing my trust in Jesus and Jesus alone, I have experienced quiet, "everyday" miracles: His joy has balanced my pain. His power has lifted my burden. His peace has calmed my worries. His grace has been more than adequate to cover me. His strength has been sufficient to carry me through. His love has bathed my wounds like a healing balm. Soaring has become a...
All was well with me, Now all is shattered within me. Stripped me of honor; Dreams banished forever. Crying never laid to rest, Eyes pouring out tears to God. Crushed with pain Reproached by words, Groping in darkness, Feet fastened with shackles. Becoming a laughing stock, Calling for help with no one to hear! Blown away like a chaff Days passed, plans shattered And so are the desires of my heart! As water wears away stone As torrents wash away the soil So is my hope washed away. Many wounds with no reason Waiting for renewal to come Trembling seizes my body. Atleast there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down it will sprout again But i as a human can find no hope! Why is my hope uprooted like a plant? Where then is my hope? Who can see any hope for me? Is there someone to stand in the gap? Should i call this feeling as Hope deffered makes the heart sick!? At one point or the other we come to the point of life where we feel that all that we hoped for is now gone. Righ...
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