Just Wait...

Waiting can be the hardest thing to do. In the waiting, we feel like nothing is getting accomplished. This causes us to worry and do things outside of God’s will. But it’s in the waiting when our part is done and it’s now God’s part to do. Just wait . There’s one thing that I’m really bad at and it’s waiting . When God asks me to wait, I think of a million things that I could be doing. The more I see time pass and nothing seems to be getting accomplished, I become anxious . For those of you who are ambitious achievers like me, we think that it’s only in the doing that we can achieve. The truth is, waiting is as important as doing . When God asks us to wait, He is simply saying our part is done and now it’s His part to do . Proverbs 16:9 says, “ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. ” We can’t accomplish our God-sized tasks without God. He does this to show us ...